As public business consultants and corporate accountants we can provide valuable insight into the North American marketplace. If your business is looking to expand or find financing we can assist you reach your goals.
Our advisors are dedicated to providing you with accurate, valuable, and cost effective information. Whether it’s the development of a corporate business plan, pro-forma financial statements, year-end audits, or becoming a publicly traded stock, our experience and contacts can get the job done. If you are interested in the OTCBB, NASDAQ, TSX-V, TSX give us a call to see if we can assist.
Our group of advisors consists of:
- Accountants
- Lawyers
- Bankers
- Brokers
- Environmental Consultants
- Land Use Permit Management Consultants
- First Nations Relations Consultants
- Electrical Engineers
- Stock Transfer Agents
- Marketing Consultants
- Public Relations Consultants
- Writers
- Public Speaking & Master of Ceremonies Engagements
- Information Technology Managers
- Translators
- Website Developers
- Software Developers